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Today i received a newsletter from my ISP, Telus communications. Now i have used Telus for many years for home phone service, mobile, internet, and TV, they are a huge company. When i opened the newsletter from my email it was splattered all over with red warnings from WOT!

This is why WOT is just not reliable, all it takes is a few unhappy customers to get together and trash any company or website, no evidence of actual danger provided. Very much ridiculous :angry:

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Today i received a newsletter from my ISP, Telus communications. Now i have used Telus for many years for home phone service, mobile, internet, and TV, they are a huge company. When i opened the newsletter from my email it was splattered all over with red warnings from WOT!

This is why WOT is just not reliable, all it takes is a few unhappy customers to get together and trash any company or website, no evidence of actual danger provided. Very much ridiculous :angry:

M86 Security to the rescue - they've revived the old FinJan plug-in that we used to use before they bought out FinJan.. All the download info is in post:



FinJan rides again only now it's called M86 Security Secure Browsing.. B)


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Under websites on WOT, It says "Ratings are not effected by comments."


Agree with TxD. :)

Comments don't but who takes the time to write comments anyway.. MOST people RATE a site (which is a non-verbal/text way of "commenting" on a site) by clicking on the bars.. and THOSE click-"comments" DO affect ratings!



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true it can be manipulated ( in theory ) but there are more users using it the right way than there are users manipulating the ratings,

I started to install M86 Security's plugin but with the work I do it might get in the way, I already have to disable spywareblaster, secure DNS my host file, and a couple other things when I'm out on the prowl for samples

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