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I tried to download a antivirus program from the internet. It told me that i already had one running. I have thought that i had the Webroot Spysweeper removed but apparently the spyware is deleted but the antivirus is still there. How do i get rid of the Webroot antivirus? And i had the Norton antivirus removed but the icon is still showing, it is not supposed to be running, and i show that it is not running but maybe there is something i need to know that i haven't already done.

Lazydave 46

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On the webroot spysweeper with antivirus, It's quite possibleYou may inadvertenly or some program on your computer, has deleted the "unins000.dat" file accidentally. In this case, you cannot uninstall the product completely, because some of its installation material has been lost. You can reinstall the product, and then uninstall it (to get a clean uninstall); or you can simply delete its folder, which will leave some remnants on your computer but nothing significant. The icon from Norton on desktop or in start menu should be easily removed by right clicing on it and deleting it . then empting the recycle bin. i would check program files to see if any norton folders are left as well. if it is not showing in control panel in remove programs list then it most likely is gone. and simply delete the icon.

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