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On one of my user's workstation we keep getting the same 4 detections in MBAM (see screenshot attached)

I've done my research and about 90% of topics I could find about this say that it can be ignored.

Up till now we've removed these detections but after a reboot their back again everytime.

Now the user has had a fake anti-virus software thing popping up (a webpage popup) but says he didn't do anything with it.

Which is why I'm a lil curious about ignoring these.

It could well be that these 4 detection have nothing to do with the fake anti-virus thing, I just wanted to check here to see if someone could somewhat confirm that these 4 detections are harmless.

Best regards,



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Hello and :welcome:

Sounds like you are in a corporate environment and therefore seek help from the corporate helpdesk.

As a licensed reseller, affiliate, corporate, non-profit or government user or tech shop, your current inquiry is eligible for Malwarebytes

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