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Hello and welcome, Novosedoff:

EDIT: OOPS! Sorry, AdvancedSetup. We must have hit "add reply" at the same time! Novosedoff, please follow AdvancedSetup's instructions! :)

I assume this is for your personal computer & home use?

Until an expert arrives:

If you are using the PRO version of MBAM, you can schedule an automatic Quick or Full scan.

Scheduler help is available here.

The nominal charge for a lifetime license is well worth it, since only the PRO version provides real-time protection to help prevent computer infection.

(The FREE version only offers on-demand scanning to help detect and remove malware that is already on the computer.)

However, if you would like to use command line parameters, please have a look here.

Hope this helps a bit,


Edited by daledoc1
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i use "/scan -quick -silent"

and PS MBAM workers - the mbam faq web page should be updated to include the info from the help file

By some reason I actually got the following error when launching mbam.exe with your parameters:

An error has occured. Please report this error code to our support team.


What was wrong?

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Yes, you can scan from the command line, but you have to exclude switches/parameters that require the PRO version if you're using the Free version. For example, using the Free version, the following will work:

/scan -quick

This command requires the PRO version:

/scan -quick -silent

Thanks for the clarification, Exile360.

(Sorry for the confusion, Novosedoff!)

In the words of the famous Bart Simpson:


<face palm>

Since only the PRO version allows for scheduled scans and real-time protection, it is -- of course -- obvious that certain of these parameters/switches would not work for the FREE version.

Embarrassed and slinking back under my rock now,


Edited by daledoc1
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