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There are particular sites and programs that I visit and run that have been get blocked by Malwarebytes. Is there a way where I can exclude or ignore them from being blocked? I accept the risks surrounding running these programs and visiting these sites but want to know if there is another optioin available that doesn't include turning off Malwarebytes everytime I need to.


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Greetings and welcome,

To have Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware ignore an individual IP address, visit the website in question to incur a block. When you see the tray notification that Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware has blocked the address, right-click on the red M tray icon and use the Add to Ignore List menu to have the IP ignored. You should then be able to refresh your web browser and visit the page. If not, then you may need to close and then open your browser and try again or clear your browser's cache to be able to see the page.

If at any time you decide to remove the selected IP from the Ignore List, you can do so by opening Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and clicking on the Ignore List tab.

If a program you use is being detected as a threat by the protection module, you can use the Add button on the Ignore List tab to have Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware ignore that application.

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