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Can someone please tell me what the latest database version is please?

I keep getting this popup on the Dell Inspiron since yesterday evening :


When doing a manual update this morning on the Dell Mini, the latest database version is 6208.

Heartfelt thanks in advance.

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The Belgium ISP Telenet maintains their own proxy server network, which unfortunately is caching an older version out updates. We're currently working with them and our CDN to try and resolve the issue. In the meantime if you could call them and let them know that you are also affected it could speed this process up.

We're sorry for any inconvenience, and are working to get this resolved as soon as we can.

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Sorry for the late reply, just got home from work.

This is what I got when checking the eight URLs :


Update on the Inspiron went fine : it's database version 6228 now.

FWIW : I spent 40 minutes on the phone trying to get someone who could shed some more light on this glitch, but to no avail. I've send Telenet an email but didn't receive a reply so far.

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