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XUBUNTU and e/one machine

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Can anyone help me? I found this E Machine called One. For reasons I can't seem to articulate, that is to say, I don't really know why I am so fond of the damn thing. Perhaps the intrigue of a monitor and tower-bells and whistles-all in one caught me; I do not care at the moment that it is antiquated. However, another mystery became evident when I turned it on: Xubuntu! What the hell is that, I thought. But knowing I am limited in my scope of IT knowledge and usually focus on writing and photography, I figured could be anything.

I asked my brians for a brother, he was not familiar, nor were a couple students. So the internet educated me that xubuntu is free software. Thing is, I hate it. Don't want it. And because I have gotten lucky stumbling my way through computers-I tried again. Well NOTHING I do, that is not any of my drivers, start-up disks, recovery disks (all registered to me mind u), anything I own, will crack this damn XUBUNTU, which sounds like some Japanese (wizard) Oz or (Alice) Wonderland. Quite the contrary, I find it--though easy to figure--so terribly boring and so not what I need.

My cousin Chris is a full/over-time IT guy, and suggested Malwarebytes, so I am going to give it a whirl. But it doesn't seem compatible from what little I have read. Again, I don't really know much. Anybody out there have any ideas or have the time to tell me if I can get xubuntu off the e/one with this software?

Thanks a bunch-Gigi

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Xubuntu is a Linux Distribution - an alternative to Windows. Any programs designed specifically to work on Windows (Like MalwareBytes') will not run on this Operating System.

If you want to get rid of it, you will have to format the hard-drive and install Windows yourself.

Hope that helps (or at least provides some information).

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