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Long story short; my laptop started giving me the "Operating System Not Found" screen during boot. System Repair, Safemode and System Restore don't work but luckily, my BIOS still detects my HDD and I passed the Memory Diagnostics(?) scan.

So I borrowed my friend's Windows DVD (same version) and did a startup repair. After appx. 16 long hours, most of the tests were passed except for this result:

"Boot critical file d:\windows\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys is corrupt"

I went ahead and tried to manually replace the fltmgr from the DVD to my system through command prompt, using the method suggested at the bottom of this post:


I followed the instructions and used "d:" for my windows directory and "e:" for my DVD-ROM drive in the command line. (I can't remember the disc drive letter correctly but I assume "e:" is correct since it took several seconds to get a result compared to "c:") and the results were:

"Can't open the input file: e:\i386\fltmgr.sy_."

Does the DVD even contain fltmgr.sys? Is there a way for me to replace my fltmgr.sys without reformatting, or taking it back to the retail store?

Any help is appreciated!

PS: I have left my laptop open right now in case I have to go through startup repair again just to access this working command prompt. And I apologize if my post has poor formatting. I am typing through my mobile.

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium Edition X64 on a 6mo old Sony VAIO Laptop (VCPF120FD).

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