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mbam-log-2011-03-29 (18-12-58).zipmbam-log-2011-03-29 (18-12-58).zipbrought up RegistrySmart and was notified an update was available. i clicked ok and two files downloaded: setupxv.exe and setupxv[1].exe. my Mcafee A/V immediately quarantined both files before i could execute them. i restored the files and ran Malwarebytes program. program flagged setupxv[1].exe but not the other program.

Mcafee identified both files as trojans: artemis! dfd34d7515fa.

i ran mbam.exe /developer. i will attach both developer and setupxv.exe files.

i believe this is a false positive as for years i have had no trouble updatin RegistrySmart.

i was unable to upload setupxv.exe

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We need the file that was detected. You only attached the logs.


i have been trying to upload setupxv.zip. i am unabele to do it. i don't knoe why. i had no trouble uploading the mbam developer file. there is a link at the bottom of this page called "help with attaching files" i clicked it but there are virtually no instructions on what to do. this forum is very poor on instructions. please advise on how i can attach and upload this file.

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i have been trying to upload setupxv.zip. i am unabele to do it. i don't knoe why. i had no trouble uploading the mbam developer file. there is a link at the bottom of this page called "help with attaching files" i clicked it but there are virtually no instructions on what to do. this forum is very poor on instructions. please advise on how i can attach and upload this file.

i just successfully uploaded and attached setupxv.zip. was unable to do it under aol9.5. it took longer than i thought and i almost gave up.


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  • Staff

I am afraid this is a valid detection.

I installed it on a test box machine and It detected a decent amount of valid registry keys as ones that should be removed.

It classifies as rogue because of the false detections and it won't remove anything without paying to register.

Here is an example..


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