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help identifying/curing virus

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Hi, i believe i got a virus from a fake "windows secuirty" popup. it has done several things to the system:

disabled system restore

created a new windows user logon

has "hijacked" my internet so i cant get to certain sites

cannot update any antivirus

cannot run certain antivirus/scan programs

when running in safe mode the computer will just turn off after a few minutes

i will try to get the logs that you ask for from everyone but it will not let me run malware bytes. i will try to install and run spybot search and destroy when i get home as well as the other scans. anything else you can suggest doing if i cant get those logs?

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This is quoted from one of the forum moderators. Many have been having this issue.

Welcome to Malwarebytes

Please try the following routine to see if you can get Malwarebytes to run.

Click on Start, click Run, and then type devmgmt.msc and click OK

On the View menu click on Show hidden devices

Browse to Non-Plug and Play Drivers and you should see something like TDSSserv.sys

Highlight that driver and right click on it and select DISABLE

Now RESTART your computer.

Download a copy of Malwarebytes but DO NOT run it yet.

Rename the downloaded installer file to any generic name such as your own name but keep the .EXE extension on the file and run it.

Once the program is installed go to the UPDATE tab and try to update the program if you can.

Then go to the SCANNER tab and run a Quick Scan and allow MBAM to fix anything found.

If that does work then please follow the routine below and post a new topic in the listed forum with the requested information.

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936

When ready please post your logs here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system.

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

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