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I have my malwarebytes set to do a quick scan each morning. But when it is finished it is popping up a notification that the scan was completed with no malware was found and it opens (puts in the foreground) the malwarebytes UI. How do I configure it so that it only pops up if something is found?

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Hello MrGibbage,

I would recommend to set a scheduled silent scan. There will be no prompt after the scan, also there will be no UI popup. Each scan will be stored inside the logs folder for review. However after a silent scan since it's name (silent) you will not be notified of the results (clean/infected) so checking the scans results is a good idea after a scan.


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If you notice you are not getting very many false positives I would recommend checking the option to automatically remove and quarantine threats found. It will add found items to quarantine. I recommend to Monitor your logs after scans at your convenience.

Thank you very much! ^_^

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OK. I wonder if that would be something that might want to be implemented sometime.

Although, this got me thinking. If I have malwarebytes running all the time, then are system scans even necessary? Nothing should get past the real-time blocker, right? And if nothing gets past the real-time blocker, then there would be nothing to scan for later. And if something did get past the real-time blocker, that would be because malwarebytes didn't recognize the signature. In which case it wouldn't recognize it during a system scan either, right? I guess there's always the possibility that an eventual malwarebytes system update might bring in new signatures and then it might find something already resident on a system.

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Hello MrGibbage,

Checking the option to terminate MBAM after scanning will scan, then terminate if it finds nothing.


I hope this is the behavior that you wanted. :)

Thank you very much for the feedback!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello rseiler,

Silent scans will be silent. As designed there will be no prompt or notification of the silent scan and it's result. There will be a log saved showing either clean or infected within MBAM's logs folder.

Scheduling a scan with the option 'Terminate program when scan completes successfully.' will close after a scan has succeeded. If an infection is found the scanner will remain open for you to view the results of the scheduled scan.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to create a new thread describing your question(s)/concern(s) in detail. (Attaching a link to this thread for reference will be the best)

Thank you very much!

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