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I have a pretty nice selection of MalwareBytes-recommended Anti-Malware programs running on my computer. Three of my programs generate popups when a new program runs. I realize I can eventually "train" Online Armor and Spybot to not flag those programs, but installing a NEW program causes a veritable *CASCADE* of popups. And here's the thing. If it's a program I run regularly, I *do* train it. But when installing a new program, first one file runs and then another. One file will make an exe, and then that exe file calls another file, all of which are events that cause MULTIPLE popup windows. FYI, I do not approve programs that are "Run Once" programs or files, not that it would help if I did.

Anyway, I guess I'm asking the best way to handle these 3 complementary programs. It gets pretty crazy when I'm installing programs ... sorta like the Wild, Wild West! (wry grin)

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Well, I don't use Online Armor myself, but I investigated for you and discovered that as long as you KNOW that the program you're installing can be trusted, you can select Install Mode on the first pop up and most of the subsequent pop ups during a program install will be avoided and the program will be able to install with little or no interruptions from OA. As far as TeaTimer goes, I would recommend clicking allow if you trust the program and you want it to run when your computer boots (assuming the TeaTimer pop us is a bout a program startup), however DO NOT tell TeaTimer to remember the decision for startups, because if the program starting up is your antivirus or firewall, and malware is trying to disallow your security software from running once you reboot, TeaTimer would do nothing to prevent that change. I hope I have been helpful, good luck and safe surfing.

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