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I'm just curious, I just bought my 4th 100 pack of MBAM licenses and before that I bought a ton of lesser packs like 50's and 25's.

It would be interesting to see the stats on how many licenses other authorized resellers are moving for you guys, anonymously of course.

Or even just a bit of info on like how many units the top few biggest resellers have sold. Might drive a bit of competition to see who can sell the most! Maybe even have a contest, hehehe.

My clients are loving it btw and it's really reduced the reinfection rate. My recommended llineup for security is, MBAM PRO, Avira, immunize with spybot / spywareblaster, Firefox with Web of Trust, and for some folks also sandboxie. Normally just windows firewall unless they are travelling in like south america or mexico alot. hehe

What do you guys think?

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We have several distributors and resellers in the tens of thousands of licenses. We do appreciate your business though :).

Wow nice! I really didn't think I was the biggest but I was curious and you cleared it up. The response is much appreciated. As is the excellent product!

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