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I have seen other users getting sloppy replies in the forum here. So I have to point out first, that I have no idea how antimalwarebytes works.

My problem is:

I have a website with my own multiplayer flash game written in actionscript2. The game is communicating with the my php scripts on my website. The games communication with the php scripts worked fine before I installed a licensed version of malwarebytes.

Since I got the active block functions of the licensed version of malwarebytes the flash game can't sent data to the php scripts. It acts I would be offline. When I test it on another computer where the free version of antimalewarebytes is installed it works. I can visit my website with the page where the flash game is on without problems. But when I press the connect button flash acts like there would be no internet.

I can't unblock the IP of my website because I get no balloon pop up. As I mentioned before I have no idea how antimalewarebytes works and why I am getting no balloon popup.

I don't want to post here a direct link to the game because my website is for adults. Should I pm the link to the game to someone? Or is the problem known, that flash actionscript2 data sending gets blocked?

If you need more informations about flash: The flash content of the website is downloaded like a picture on a website into the cache of the browser. So the flash movie is trying to send data from the computer to the internet. Well, you sure allready know that.

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thank you for the reply. And sorry for the hassle. I just found the reason for the problem. I don't know why but firefox put the url to my website without the www. in the front: http://mywebsite.com After adding the www. my game is working again :) I hate programming online stuff.

Thank you for the help and sorry for the circumstances. Was just strange that it happened just when I got malwarebytes and my game still worked from other computers :o

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