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Warning for Shadow Defender Users

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Guest Code Hunter

You may not be as well protected while using Shadow Defender as you think you are,

Some of the Rogue AV and other Malware are capable of shutting Shadow Defender

down and infecting your computer. Best Malware Protection is one them and believe

me it is no fun doing the cleanup. My Computer became infected while using this product

while testing that Rogue AV. Over 700+ files, keys, and registry entries removed by Malwarebytes

and another 36 files, etc removed by Combofix. There was also a small problem with redirection in

Google Chrome and another tool was used to remedy that problem.

So if you use Shadow Defender you may want to think about using another product like Sandboxie or others.

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Guest remixed

Good to know, thanks. I've had the same experience with Returnil System Safe 2011, so if anyone's looking for an alternative to Shadow Defender for malware testing Returnil's not the answer.

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  • 1 month later...

Good to know, thanks. I've had the same experience with Returnil System Safe 2011, so if anyone's looking for an alternative to Shadow Defender for malware testing Returnil's not the answer.

Hi remixed,

Apologies for not noticing this post last month, but could you open a support ticket (support [dash] tech [at] returnil [dot] com) and provide a more detailed report of the incident? In the report, please let us know whether the malicious content went undetected (Virus Guard) or unblocked (Virtual Mode > Settings > Additional Protection Options) while in Virtual Mode.

There are a small, but rare number of malware families that can circumvent virtualization (any software based virtualization) so we welcome your feedback and samples (if still available) for deeper analysis and update of the black lists. This is a prime reason for the vertical layering approach in RSS and a priority for us to slam the door shut on this type of malware as quickly as possible once it is discovered in the wild.

Thanks in advance


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