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I'm glad I found this forum. Maybe someone will respond here because trying to reach Malwarebytes customer service has been ineffective. I downloaded Malwarebytes about a year ago. In Nov. 2010 I upgraded and purchased the product. Last month I was having problems with HP printer software and thought that doing a restore to an earlier time would fix the printer software problem (it didn't). After doing the restore, the Malwarebytes software was corrupted. Finally in sheer frustration, I backed up everything and reloaded windows. My problem is that my Malwarebytes backup file is corrupted. I know I can download the free version of Malwarebytes, but I don't want to have to pay for the program again when my license is still current. Any fixes for this problem? My desktop looks naked without the Malwarebytes icon (j/k). Looking forward to your response.

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Hello and :welcome:

You are correct, all you have to do is download the free version and register it with you ID and KEY. If you misplaced your email with this information then follow the instructions below.....

You should contact Cleverbridge.....

If you lost your ID and License Key then send an email to: cs@cleverbridge.com


Phone: +1-866-522-6855

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (CST)

Also, their contact info can be found HERE.

when you get the email Print it out

If you need anything else just post.

Thanks :)

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Hello and welcome, KepiGirl:

EDIT: Thanks, Firefox! You beat me to it!

Sorry to hear about your computer troubles (I am all too familiar with HP and their "bloatware" software).

You will want to uninstall, run the removal tool and then reinstall MBAM following the procedure described below.

The license and key you need to register MBAM once you reinstall it will be in the email sent to you by Cleverbridge when you made your purchase.

If you do not have that email, or did not write down this info, then I think you may need to contact them directly to sort that out.

In the interim, you can at least do a clean install of the current FREE version of MBAM and run that, until you can locate your license/key info.

(If I am incorrect about this license/key bit, then I'm sure one of the mods/admins/experts will correct me.)

MBAM Clean Re-installation Instructions:

NOTE: You need to be logged in as an administrator.

1. Download and run mbam-clean.exe from here.

Note:It will ask to restart your computer; please allow it to do so -- very important!

2. After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus (AV) and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from here. (Note: Ignore any promos or ads for other software/products at the mirror sites; and there is no fee to download MBAM Free.)

Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email, if you are using the PRO version.

3. Launch MBAM (and set the Protection and Registration, if you are using the PRO version).

4. Go to the UPDATE tab, if not done during installation, and check for updates.

5. Restart the computer again (and, if you are using the PRO version, verify that the MBAM icon is in the system tray).

6. Set up any file exclusions as may be required in your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications. You may use the guides posted in the FAQs here, or ask and we'll explain how to do it. (Specific steps depend on the AntiVirus software vendor & version, and on your computer's OS).

7. Restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications.

8. Add the program folder(s) for your AV and FW to MBAM's "Ignore List".(Let us know if you need help with this.)

9. Set up your scheduled updates & scheduled scans (this only applies to the PRO version). Scheduler help is available here.

10. Run an MBAM Quick Scan.



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Hello and :welcome:

You are correct, all you have to do is download the free version and register it with you ID and KEY. If you misplaced your email with this information then follow the instructions below.....

You should contact Cleverbridge.....

If you lost your ID and License Key then send an email to: cs@cleverbridge.com


Phone: +1-866-522-6855

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (CST)

Also, their contact info can be found HERE.

when you get the email Print it out

If you need anything else just post.

Thanks :)

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Thanks for the quick reply. I've contacted Cleverbridge several times in the past with no response. I'm just glad that I was able to print out the email with the license and key code.

I'll take care of this tomorrow. My IP guy at work recommends using Google Chrome over IE or Firefox because there are some apparent issues with IE 8 and HP All-in-One software. I'm on the fast track to frustration anyway. Printheads in the All-in-One died the other night. I figure I'm going to have to get a new printer and reinstall HP software all over again. Wish I could find a way off of this merry-go round! :(

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  • Root Admin

Hello KepiGirl,

You contacted the Consumer Help Desk on Dec-13 2010 19:50 with ticket #122664 for this issue.

Tom Mercado replied to you on Dec-13 2010 21:28 approximately 2 1/2 hours later and never heard back from you so the ticket was closed on Jan-14 2011 23:07

Should you need your key & ID, or a copy of your confirmation email, this information can only be obtained by our reseller, Cleverbridge.

Cleverbridge Customer Service

Malwarebytes Tech support does not have any access to, nor information pertaining to any sales\shipping\user account\registration issues.

The link Firefox provided is the same one that Tom sent you as well.

If you're not hearing back from our Tech Support or from Cleverbridge then my guess is that something is up with your email client and in the future you may wish to try sending from another computer and also ensure that malwarebytes.org is on your safe sender list in email as well as cleverbridge.com

As for your printer issues with HP All-in-one I've not specifically heard of an issue directly involving IE8 but I'm sure it's possible. I would ask your IP guy at work to be a bit more specific to the actual problem and possible resolution as the provided information is very generic in nature and does not specify the issue or error one may encouter.

All of these Web browser should work just fine for you IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and all of them have their own following of fans that will provide you with endless reasons why one should chose one over the other. I would suggest that you find out and know why your changing or wanting to change browsers first and not simply because someone else recommends one over the other.

Here is a link to the HP Support site if you're having a specific printer issue that they may be able to assist you with.

If there is anything else we can assist you with plesae let us know and we'll be happy to try and help you.

Thank you for using Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.

Take care and stay safe out there.


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