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My boss and a few hunderd other friends are getting ramdom e-mails. I ran Malware but returned as zero infected. I ran another program and got like 43 associated virus's. In the middle my message came up "program cannot run due to firefox error" or something along those lines. Can someone please explain what firefox has to do with running a Malware program and how to fix firefox and why malware says "all ok" and another program says I have error. Clearly I have a virus or these e mails would not get sent out how do I stop them for the 2nd time in 6 mos? Help!!!!

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Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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