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Hi MBAM Developers,

About a month ago I bought the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware for my infected older computer and I'm loving it. Tried all the rest but only the best could save my computer from being dumped into the trash. Thank you!!

I've been telling people that the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is almost like a free software considering the quality and execution it has, in fact, it is very effective & far more superior than all others I've tried so far. My hats off to you developers and CEO's. Now...I'm dying to install the MBAM in my brand new computer with Windows Vista 64-bit.

My questions are:

1. When is MBAM going to come out with a 64-bit version? At the moment I don't have any Anti-malware program installed in my new computer and it's not because I can't afford the other Anti-Malware programs it's because they just weren't as effective as yours. I know it's risky but I'd rather take a chance & wait until MBAM comes up with a Vista 64-bit version because I know the MBAM works! I just hope it will come out soon.

2. I understand that the current version of MBAM is compatible with Vista 32-bit but has anyone ever tried to install it in a computer with Windows Vista 64-bit, and what was the result? I'm tempting to do so. Any advice?

3. Is the RogueRemover Pro compatible with Windows Vista 64-bit? I'll buy it in a heartbeat if it is.

Keep up the good work, you guys.


P.S. My favorite security softwares are "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware" and "WinPatrol-Plus" (YES!!!!!)

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Yeah, most of those rogues are installing with nasty stuff like regenerating trojans and rootkits that require a much more powerful piece of software to remove them (ie MBAM). Sad to see RR go, it was a great tool in it's time, but considering the dreadful direction modern infections are taking it makes a lot of sense.

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