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After running a Malwarebytes scan yesterday (to get rid of a fake anti-virus program), I deleted all of the recommended items in the list of potentially harmful files that Malwarebytes generated (I did not have the presence of mind to check which files were being deleted; I didn't know about false positives at that point).

Now, my computer fails to boot up, staying on a blank screen after a couple of the bootup screen flashes (Dell, Pentium etc...). The computer will not boot up in safe mode, safe mode with networking, or using the last known good configuration.

When I try safe mode, all I get is 3 lines, each beginning with "multi(0)..." and ending in .dll. The other options just lead me to a black screen.

I have tried using a recovery console disc (rc.iso), but I can't seem to find the proper command to fix the problem.

The computer is a Dell Dimension 4700, running Windows XP business 32-bit, and I do not have the XP install CD.

I was about to do a reinstall when someone suggested that I post here in the hopes of booting up with my old configuration.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes

Sorry to hear you are having issues and are infected. The problem you are having was most likely caused by the infection that was probably rooted pretty deeply into your system. Please follow the instructions below to get help from the experts, if you can not run any of the tools just state that and they will help you....

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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