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Ok so I am very confused. Why is this IP adress getting blocked? I mean, my computer had a problem unrelated to any infection (it was my fault, long story) so I had to re-install Windows xp and start over. This IP was getting blocked BEFORE I re installed XP, and it is STILL getting blocked afterwards!! All I did was download my webrowser and get and get malwarebytes again. Can I just put it on the ignore list?

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  • Root Admin

Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes

Because they appear to come from a Russian site that has been known to participate in unsafe practices for your computer.

If you're getting these then you may want to seek further assistance with having your system checked as to why you're getting them.

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

  • Option 1
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