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Good morning -

I am new to your site, cuz I realize, that unless the end user doesn't help out frrom time to time, you can't make your product better!

I haven't updated in 13 days, so while doing a little "other work" from home, I thought I should catch-up with some PC clean-up at the same time.

I tried to update my MBAM...

(I am using the free version -

and it tried 4 times to dl the 6.13MB file, then gave me this error message...

"An error has occurred. Please report this error code to our support team.


Access is denied."

I have Win Home 7, and IE8 running, along with avast! Antivirus.

Wondering if my best recourse isn't to uninstall, then start fresh?

Thanks in advance.


ooo,,, I now see I could have attached a file - well, if you need, I can make a screen print of the error pop-up and send later - tg

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Hello and :welcome:

Usually this happens if you are running Malwarebytes in a limited account and trying to update with that account. Either login as a user with Admin rights and update, or right click on the Malwarebytes Icon and select Run as Administrator....

Let us know if that helps....

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I selected Run as Admin, and it worked fine, did the update as normal.

Strange that this has never happened to me before - I will have to log out and back on to my PC - maybe the wife did something last night without knowing it... :blink:

Thanks for the help and FAST! response.


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