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I keep getting the same infections found, however no matte what course of action I have taken, these virus' bots do not appear to be anywhere in my system. I have in fact bought a brand new computer, have downloaded next to nothing that is not legit software and this is still showing. Root kit detection shows nothing. Is this somehow being generated thourg a piece of legit software that has been installed. After 6 months, 2 computers and countless scans with software, I am finally asking for help. I am convinced these are false positives as they only seem to appear in the .ini file of kaseya agent (which is an agent for remote support).

mbam-log-2011-03-20 (12-32-28).txt


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This is a known issue with Kaseya Agent. To resolve it, mbam.exe (located in C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware or C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware on a 64 bit OS) will need to be whitelisted in Kaseya's App Blocker on the server side. I don't have too much info, but one of our other QA techs has experience with it and if you need further assistance with how to set it up, let us know and I'll have him reply to you when he returns to work tomorrow.

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