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Outlook 2007


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Cyclic redundancy check errors seem to be generally related to data corruption, so perhaps your .pst file has been corrupted. The only thing I can recommend is try running chkdsk /f from a command prompt (you will need to reboot after running it), to see if that fixes the problem. Aside from that, I would say your only bet would be if you had a recent backup of your .pst file (which conains your emails, contacts etc) to try loading from the backup.

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If you're getting CRC errors you don't want to run chkdsk.

Read this article on Data Recovery and start backing up your media. It sounds like your hard drive is failing.

Also, Microsoft would never say anything along the lines of, "oh well so sorry".

Well: Thanks much for the info, but the techs names were Babu and Kunal who both said sorry and can't help you any futher and they both ran chkdsk. That is pretty much the same words to me.

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  • Root Admin

Well sorry you were not able to recover your data, but that should be a reminder for you and others that may read this thread.

Sooner or later your system can experience a software or hardware failure that can cause unexpected data loss. Having good up to date backups of all important data is a must.

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