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Yesterday, I purchased a subscription for Malwarebytes with the understanding it could be used with my current security system which is McAfee.

After downloading Malwarebytes, I started getting a warning pop-up from McAfee telling me my computer was at risk due to real time scanning was turned off. I had to turn it back on. It didn't stay on and had to turn it back on 3-4 times.

I had to contact McAfee to chat with them to resolve any/all issues.

When I clicked on Malwarebytes this morning to run a scan I got the following error message:

Program_Error_Enumerate_languages (3,0 {or 6 as I can't even read my own writing}. This system cannot find the path specified

When I click on the Malwarebytes icon, I cannot get there.

Might someone please give me some feedback on this?

Thank you,


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Greetings and welcome :)

There are some known issues currently with McAfee, however I do believe there is a way to make them work together. Please contact support@malwarebytes.org and our support staff will assist you promptly to get the issue resolved.

Thanks :)

Mr. Lindsey, thank you very much for the information and taking the time to be kind enough to answer the question for me. Yes, I'll go to the link you entered.

Yes, it was my understanding that I could have Malwarebytes for malware detection and McAfee or another security system to check for viruses. I was most happy with Malwarbytes. It seems like when it rains, it pours.

Agagin thank you,


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