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I am going to ask a question that I hope is not off-limits. If it is, I apologize, in advance.

In general terms, what is in Rules.Ref? I am not interested in "cracking open the file", I have no interest in reverse engineering it, just what types of information is in the file. Does MBAM use definitions of bad code in the same way as AV programs typically do? Or is it a list of the bad IP addresses that get blocked? I guess the most important point is this: how does MBAM usually protect from the baddies more quickly than the other products out there. SAS, for example, excuses their inability to stop the System Tools fake alert due to it's polymorphic behavior, constantly changing, so they are always in catch up mode. Does MBAM act (and react) the same way?

Or does it use more behavior analysis to figure out bad behavior?

Randy C

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