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NO network connection after malwarebyte kills antivirus2009


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My network internet connection was working fine until the moment malwarebyte ran and neutered antivirus2009.

I have run winsockfix and combofix to no avail. Looks like something got stomped on

My internet and network are working fine on my other 5 boxes, 3@XP, 1 win98, and 1 Ubuntu.

Thank you in advance for your help


/ I also disabled tdssserv.sys in device manager to get malwarebyte to run initially.



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Hello Dano,

After you've made your initial problem post, replying to your own topic results in your thread getting lost "attention" because helpers see other than "0" replies and assume you've been helped. Just FYI.

If you still have issues on this pc, given it has a rogue and the pc is networked, (1) disconnect this pc from the network and from the internet. (2) You'll have to do any tool downloads and report uploading by using a clean pc.

Disconnecting this pc will prevent the crud malware from downloading any more partners in crime.

You must place any copies of log files or reports in-line within the body of the reply. Do NOT use attachment feature when placing reports / logs.

Re-enable the Windows firewall that you had disabled.

Start HijackThis. Do a Scan and Save. Reply with a copy of the new HJT log and tell us details about the current status.

Use a known clean thumb-drive or CD/DVD to copy reports and tools between the infected system and the "clean pc".

In the case you've already been helped elsewhere, kindly tell us that too.

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