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How do I get my ID and Product Key back?

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I recently had to reinstall my Operating System (Windows 7) and basically wiped my system clean of all information. I had purchased Malwarebytes a while ago, and completely forgot to keep my product key and ID key. How can I try to get this information back so I don't need to purchase the program again?

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I recently had to reinstall my Operating System (Windows 7) and basically wiped my system clean of all information. I had purchased Malwarebytes a while ago, and completely forgot to keep my product key and ID key. How can I try to get this information back so I don't need to purchase the program again?

Hello Khristos:

If you purchased MBAM online, from Malwarebytes, you may contact Cleverbridge and fill out their on-line Customer Support Form for your product ID and product Key:

Request ID & KEY

However, if you purchased through an MBAM reseller, please contact your reseller.


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