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What is your homepage set to? If it's forcing lots of the same window to open, is the page itself a trusted site such as Google or Yahoo?

Some forms of Malware are capable of interfering and trying to re-direct homepages, and if the script has been poorly written then it could quite easily be causing this to happen - though I'm guessing you've run a scan already?

Is it just IE7 that this is affecting?

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What is your homepage set to? If it's forcing lots of the same window to open, is the page itself a trusted site such as Google or Yahoo?

Some forms of Malware are capable of interfering and trying to re-direct homepages, and if the script has been poorly written then it could quite easily be causing this to happen - though I'm guessing you've run a scan already?

Is it just IE7 that this is affecting?


IE7 Vista Ultimate MSN home page and yes same window is opening and is a trusted site.This just started in the last week. No problems before that.



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