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Oh Where Oh Where is my Update Gone?

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Uh What the ****? My Updater don't work after I downloaded this program!

What's going on? It's November 22, and I tried updating, saying "Internet Connection something something"

I'm disappointed? Should I put this on my blog site not to download this program? What's going on? I'm so

mad right now. Please help. It did find some back door hack tools, but its older signatures...

IS this cripple-ware? Do I have to pay $25 bucks in order to update the program or wait each month for a

"newer" version for Free? Or is the update server hacked and can't work? lol Just flaming some torches also

because its cold here in Texas.. lol No rain, we are in a drought! Before long, the whole State will be in an

inferno with no moisture, no rain, just cold dry weather...

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Did you try both mirrow updates within the program?

If you have no luck updating then you will need to follow the directions below:

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: Pre- HJT Post Instructions

When ready please post your logs here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system.

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

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  • Root Admin

There are various reasons that could cause this. Your own ISP could have issues locating the MBAM Servers, your system could be infected, your router could have issues, your hosts file could have been modified and now blocking, etc...

Please follow the posted instructions and someone will assist you in locating the issue.

To answer your question. NO the program is not cripple-ware and is one of the few that is fully functional for scanning and removing Malware for FREE. The paid version adds other automated features not cleaning features.

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