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Foregive me, I'm new here, desperate and not sure how to use this area properly.

My original problem -

Email Support, Unable to contact Support by email (undeliverable)

"I'm unable to contact Support by email (undeliverable) - any idea why?

Anti-Malware recently detected and removed Trojan.Downloader with several other related items. However, after each re-boot Trojan.Downloader is back, though without the other items, in Restore. How can I get rid of this please?

I have Ad-Aware, Spybot Search and Destroy, CCleaner and Spyware Doctor installed. Anti-Malware is the only one able to see this Trojan.Downloader. My PC seems to be ok but is a little slow sometimes."

Today I wrote -

"PLEASE HELP ME - I ran Spybot S & D and all was clear. I than ran ESET online and all was reported as clear. We used the PC for an hour or so then shut it down as normal. This moring I switched on the post the logs results you asked for but my PC shows DOS, then the first screen for Win XP. A few squares appear in the horizontal bar then it returns the DOS screen and then it repeats the same cycle again and again! I tried Safe Mode but the same thing happens. What on earth can I do? I'm not that technical and am now desperate! I've borrowed the use of this laptop to write this. I just don't know what to do."

Exile360 kindly replied telling me post this to the HJT Forum with a reference back to my Thread. This will sound silly but I'm not sure how I should do this so I've guessed and written this. I hope I'm not in the wrong place a being and nuisance. Again I'm borrowing this laptop to communicate.

I've got my PC booted from an XP CD at the "Welcome to Setup" screen.

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Oh, hey, just found this post. Your best bet would be to create a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Like I said before. The experts there should be able to get you fixed up. I replied to your post in the general forum as well explaining how to paste the link to that thread in your new topic in the HJT forum.

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Oh, hey, just found this post. Your best bet would be to create a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Like I said before. The experts there should be able to get you fixed up. I replied to your post in the general forum as well explaining how to paste the link to that thread in your new topic in the HJT forum.

Thanks for your help. I got your reply and did as you said, just waiting for help now. Thanks again.

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