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I.T. Tech Joke for those in the biz

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This is somewhat of a script for a film I was/am working on, the names were changed to protect the guilty.

<me calling John on the phone> Hi, John, Jeff here, I need you to do me a favor and check out a PICNIC issue on the 14th floor in room 1483, workstation Omega-25.

<John> Ok, I'm on it. Bye.

<John mumbling to himself> What the heck is a PICNIC issue, guess I'll have to look it up on the computer

<John at computer> Ahh... PICNIC is Problem In Chair Not In Computer

John heads to the room

<John calling me back 90 minutes later> Hey Jeff, John here, you sent me on that PICNIC issue a while back ago, well I have been here looking at this chair for over an hour and I can't find a single thing wrong with it!

Hope the I.T. Techs got a kick out of this! :D


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  • 1 month later...

Some IT jokes from me:

Ring in a company that deals with the repair of computers:

- My printer started to print bad!

- Probably should be clean. It costs 15 dollars, but you can read instructions and do it myself.

Customer amazed by such frankness asks:

- And your boss know that so hamper his business?

- The idea was my boss. We have more income since leaving our customers in the beginning to repair their own thing.

One gamer dead and sent him to hell. After one week, the devil go to God and asked:

- Who was that you sent me?

God doesn't understand what the devil talking.

- I can't endure more, take it with you.

- Why? - Asked the God

- Why? Because he killed all devils, turned all cauldrons and asked, where is the exit to another level!

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