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MalwareByte's Anti-Malware Excellent Performance


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Hi all and especially the developers of this great program, great job!

First I work as a freelance tech and also volunteer as an expert on allexperts.com, which should also be feeding you lots of hits by they way, I also run free-tech-support.info as an addition to helping people on allexperts (they have limited features for us experts there so sometimes I need to have file attachments uploaded, etc.).

I wrote you guys a very nice review you can see it here:


I did have to knock 2 tenths of a point off because to me the Vendor Information Database still lacks a lot of information and

to me, I like information. Although the main 3 commercial virus scanning companies aren't as good as MBAW, there Vendor Information Database (or Virus Information Database), contains a lot more information. In order to prevent duplicate content, I won't go into it here but check out the review for what I am talking about.

I'm also trying to work with other vendors to be able to offer their products in case some rogue program won't allow them to go to their main web site. I do know that the website for either Spybot ot Hi-jack this (I am not sure which one it is) has an extra link with a changing ip address to avoid blocking downloads.

Probably wouldn't hurt to have an extra download location either and may save a bit on bandwidth.

Anyway, all-in-all, great job and many thanks for making a tech's life easier!


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  • Root Admin

I do not think I will lose sleep over .2 of a point :huh:. Thanks for the review, but do you mind changing it to Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (that exact case, and no spaces in Malwarebytes).

If you keep it a secret, we are currently developing an even better vendor information database with a ton more information :D.

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