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New Forum Layout?


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I miss: My Controls > View Topics > from there I could see all the topics I'm working on or subscribed to at a glance.

Maybe it's there somewhere???

The rest is fine for me.


The old layout is easier for screenreaders in my opinion. Hopefully this is temporary, but it will just take some time to get used to if it is not.

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I miss: My Controls > View Topics > from there I could see all the topics I'm working on or subscribed to at a glance.

Maybe it's there somewhere???

The rest is fine for me.


My Controls > View Topics: IMO, was the best thing IP.B had going for itself. Why they changed that I have no idea.

I'm afraid that's gone along with any PM's you saved.

Same thing happened at G2G and BC with their "upgrade".

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EDIT: Never mind. I found it: Profile > Settings > Manage Notes. Not easy to find or use. And all my html is now in plain text, so it's all garbled. Will have to play around with the content or start all over. Sigh.

Apparently, our saved "snippets" are gone, too.

OK, so be it.

I'll have to recreate them all. :)

But I cannot find any place to save new ones.

Is this feature no longer available?

Has anyone found it, if it is still there somewhere?



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On your profile, it says "Reputation 0." Anyone know what that means? I guess I need to look around a bit more I may find my answer.

LD, are you saying that you lost PM'S? I have all mine.

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On your profile, it says "Reputation 0." Anyone know what that means? I guess I need to look around a bit more I may find my answer.

LD, are you saying that you lost PM'S? I have all mine.

If I still have them, I can't find them :)

Never mind

I found them under Messenger rofl.gif

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If I still have them, I can't find them :)

In the uppermost right hand is your username and an arrow >messenger> when you get there it has a your old ones on the left hand side. Click on it and they come up.

Also in the upper right it says Terms of Service / View New Content. Not like before but...

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Found it:

Click the drop down arrow by your name > choose My Settings > Forums > Manage Watch Topics/Forums

There it is, just like before.


EDIT: I went there and then sent a shortcut to my desktop for quick access next time I need it.

When you get a reply back, it doesn't put that one as the first one so you'll need to look at all your topics.

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