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I just ran a FULL scans w/ the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal tool and w/ MBAM (latest ver) one after the other. Allowing for some slop, the MSRT says it scanned around 500,000+ objects (mainly files), MBAM said about 248,000+. Why the major difference?

PS: Neither found any issues.

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I'm sure it's something to do with Microsoft, because Defender, Removal tool and Security Essentials all scan EVERY file on your computer.

While malwarebytes and other vendors scan the folders and not the contents.. (Although every file in the folder is scanned, it just doesn't count as a object, just 1 folder.. or something)

Something like that. :) :) :)

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Hello jsm59,

Malwarebytes only concentrates on files that can actively infect your computer. We do not scan pictures or text files for example.

Thank you!

OK. Even in the "FULL" scan mode then? (I normally run the quick but decided to run the FULL this time for grins)

That would explian some of it; I do have PICS and some TXT files but not 200,000 files worth?

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There is no way to compare different vendor tools too each other. Malwarebytes as mainard said only concentrates on files that can actively infect your computer. He gave two examples but there are many other files that we ignore that can't infect your computer. Also our count involves memory processes, registry keys etc.

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