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Girlfriend Gets Revenge On Ex Using Google


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Girlfriend Gets Revenge On Ex Using Google

First Posted: 02/ 5/11 10:49 AM Updated: 02/ 6/11 09:01 AM

An ex-girlfriend has reportedly turned to Google to take revenge on her ex, spamming Google search with some dozens of photographs of her ex overlayed with mocking phrases.

According to Search Engine Roundtable, "Apparently, a disturbed ex-girlfriend took her ex-boyfriend's professional taken picture and polluted it all over Google Images for a search on his name."


The ex-boyfriend's mother allegedly complained on the Google Webmaster Help forum, though the page has since been removed:

My minor son's ex-girlfriend took a copyrighted picture of him (we own copyright) and uploaded it more than 60 times to a website. On each image she wrote slanderous, defamatory and pornographic captions. The webmaster of the site states he removed the images 6 weeks ago, but Google Search still shows all the images. My son is so stressed out and embarrassed and we've done everything we can to get images off of Google including URL removal tool, a letter to Google Legal with all the URLs because of copyright infringement, and nothing has worked!

Search Engine Roundtable notes how she executed the attack: "You see, she knew to have the source site remove the images but Google still has them in their index. The issue is that although the images appear to be gone, the URLs they are sourced via are actually returning a 200 status code, which to Google means they are still there. They need to return a page not found status code, and they do not."

Lesson? Before you upset your girlfriend or boyfriend, make sure they do not know how Google works. Oh, and never mess with an SEO.

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