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Used Malware to Remove Virus-Lost Internet Connection

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I am hoping someone has advice to give- I used Malwarebytes to remove Virus Response 2009 and it was successful. However, I no longer have access to the internet (Explorer). We have tried using:

LSP Fix Homepage

WinSock XP Fix at SnapFiles

to correct the problem but with no luck. Service pack 3 locks up when it begins to create restore points. We also tried to install Explorer but again nothing.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to get the internet back? Thanks in advance for any help-

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I have the same problem!

I installed and ran Malwarebytes last week to get rid of ads, virus's, trojans and what not and it found a bunch and I let it delete them and now my internet hasn't worked since.

I uninstalled Malware bytes after that, thinking that that might be the problem, but still wouldn't work. Now its installed again and still nothing and it doesn't find anymore bad files. I've tried Winsock and LSP also but nothing has worked!

What do We Do?

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I connect from a wireless router, i use a desktop computer with a wireless card and its not an option to connect directly cause the router is my neighbors (she lets me use her connection). But my laptop computer works fine and connects like normal. I'll try to ping google when i get home tonight and let you know what happens.

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I am hoping someone has advice to give- I used Malwarebytes to remove Virus Response 2009 and it was successful. However, I no longer have access to the internet (Explorer). We have tried using:

LSP Fix Homepage

WinSock XP Fix at SnapFiles

to correct the problem but with no luck. Service pack 3 locks up when it begins to create restore points. We also tried to install Explorer but again nothing.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to get the internet back? Thanks in advance for any help-

Hi Bridget and welcome to Malwarebytes. Hi read and follow the instructions here then post a log here . Someone will be happy to help you. You will need to use the machine your on now to post logs etc and do updates, but it sounds like maybe your still infected. Some of the prepost instructions will also be impossible, most important are a HJT log and MBAM log.

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Hi Bridget and welcome to Malwarebytes. Hi read and follow the instructions here then post a log here . Someone will be happy to help you. You will need to use the machine your on now to post logs etc and do updates, but it sounds like maybe your still infected. Some of the prepost instructions will also be impossible, most important are a HJT log and MBAM log.

Hello everyone and thanks for your responses. We (this was my company's desktop computer w/ a lan connection) discovered that I was still able to send and receive emails. After a few other attempts to fix the situation, I logged into the computer as a new user and viola! It worked. I transferred my files and emails and now log in as the new me. Jeanne, I just saw your post now and I'm sure out IT guys could work with your instruction to come up with a solution but since I am up and running I do not want to waste anymore of their time. I hope this may help someone else...

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