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Zipped files?


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Just want to make sure. I have what I'm pretty sure are some FP's picked up by SAS, and I can't easily get at them to send them to VT unless they are moved out of the folder they were in (the Content.IE5 folder). I zipped each one, moved them to another location on my computer, uploaded them to VT, scanned them (SAS is the only one that detects an issue) and then deleted them and emptied the recycle bin.

Interestingly enough, gmail wouldn't allow me to mail them to VT, saying they were 'executables'.

So my question: does zipping a file keep it from executing?

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Technically if they are inside a zip file they are not executable.

Now bear in mind, if you open the zip file and double click on the file inside the zip file, it will execute.

You do not need to email files to VT, you can just upload them without even zipping them. You can upload the files to VirusTotal HERE.

You can also submit the files here at our Research Center however the files uploaded here do need to be zipped. Instructions on how to upload them to the Research Center can be found HERE

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