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Quick Scans Time Issue?

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Today my internet wasn't loading pages, yet it didn't say anything about being pulled offline. So I decided, just for the sack of being sure, to run a quick scan. The first time i ever ran Malwarebytes' quick scan it took around 15 minutes. This one took about 2. Thinking that was weird, I ran another one right after to see what exactly it scanned. That scan took about 50 seconds. Is this a normal occurrence? I don't recall clearing my temp data or anything anytime recently so i'm a bit concerned.

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Hello and :)

With the new version of Malwarebytes, they have worked on the scan engine where scan times have been reduced. Also If you run a quick scan and it completes, if you run another one (before doing any restarts) the second scan will complete much faster. This is due to file indexing. If you do restart the computer the cache will be cleared and the scan time will be a little longer again.

This is by design and it is normal.

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