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I have been having this same website blocked by MBAM for over a month and I finally decided to add the IP to the allow/ignore list since I feel it is not a malicious site. Once allowed I tried accessing it again and I am now getting this pop up regarding some application that it wants me to save/download! After seeing that pop up I removed it from the ignore list but would like your opinion on this please.

Web Address I am trying to access: http://lily-soul.com

I am attaching the IP log and a screenshot of the pop up I receive when I allow this IP.

Any suggestions as to what this application is that is asking me to either save it or download it?



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I've checked the site and am not seeing anything malicious. The issue you're having is likely an encoding issue (not something you can fix, the sites owner will need to fix their sites code).

As for the IP, whilst this site is safe, the rest of the range is not, and is why it's blocked.

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