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Cannot update to latest Malwarbytes

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Dear Folks,

on 2 Windows 7 laptops I cannot seem to updat the maleware software to the latest version ...when I do I get the following error message which I have attached to this message as a screenshot jpg file.

Thanks for any assistance on correcting this.

Have a great day.

Joe D.


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Hello and :D

This error could be several things.... Lets try first by making sure you have excluded the necessary files in your McAfee VirusScan Enterprise...

Please make the appropriate exceptions as listed in the FAQ Section E located HERE

Also make sure your firewall is not blocking it....

Note: If using a software firewall besides the built in Windows Firewall you'll need to exclude MBAM.EXE from it as well

Note: Once that's done, please make sure that if either of those programs has any sort of web filter, that you add the following as a trusted site:


Please post back and let us know how it went.

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