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A big hug and a thank you

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Thank you malwarebytes for help with removing a Trojan 32 virus (malware) from my computer.

The virus came through IE explorer upgrade and copied the windows security page, it looked like the real deal until I noticed the colored shield in windows security wasnt the same, it was a circle with the four colors. I tried for several days to get rid of it and nothing would remove it, my anti virus program just kept re-naming it. What an annoying virus, it eventually blocked me from getting on the intranet so I called my cable company tech (Shaw) and they used your program to clean out my computer and said this was the best program.

I am recommending your program to a lot of my friends as a couple of them have also experienced this same virus and re formatted thier hard drives to get rid of it. I will be purchasing your program at a later date (just havent got the extra cash right now, what with Christmas coming, I am a retired senior living on a tight fixed income).

This virus came through as "Anti Virus 2009", and it appeared the other day again in my e-mail, I was smarter this time. ;)

Thank you so much again for your wonderful program.


Carole Goodman ;)

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