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Ok about 2 years ago, i had read a forum on this site that using MVPS HOSTS file is a good idea. So i followed all the instructions and added the file in etc.

I forgot that after adding the file though that i noticed i have 9 exe files running in my task manager processes. Some are are under the user name SYSTEM and some are LOCAL SERVICE. Is this normal or should i go about uninstalling the MVPS HOSTS file and maybe redoing it??

I am just curious as to if it is normal to have that many exe's running with mvps hosts. Also if i should uninstall it, can i have some detailed step by step instructions? Thanks for your time !!

P.S. - I am running Windows Xp. If you need me to run any checks etc to make sure this is normal let me know !!

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  • Root Admin

A lot really depends on what all you're running. My system is running 13 instances of it right now but I'm running a few network applications in the back ground.

If you're concerned then I would update MBAM and do a Quick Scan and see if it finds anything or not.

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