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Windows 7 Conflict?

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The most recent upgrade of Malwarebytes, has caused my system to freeze.

I run Windows 7.

Upon installation, my system seems to work fine. Then, after a reboot my system freezes once everything is loaded. I've also noticed that after a reboot, the system will allow me to navigate for a little while without freezing, however, as soon as I attempt to load my browser, Google Chrome, the system locks up.

I know for certain this has something to do with the latest installation MBAM, as when I go to completely uninstall the program, the problem I have with the freezing is gone.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in Advance.

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  • Staff

This type of issue is commonly fixed by adding the following Malwarebytes files listed in the link below-Section H- to your currently installed antivirus\antispyware software exclusion lists or white listing options. (Ignore AVG steps if you don't use it, apply the exclusions to whatever antivirus and additionally your firewall you have installed)


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