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An ode' to vets

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An elderly women enters a vet's office carrying a box and ask to see the vet. Once in the exam room she opens the box to reveal an obviously dead parrot. Thr vet quickly look at the bird and exclaims to the women " madam I believe your bird has expired" the women pensively responds how can you say that by just looking no tests or exam; Really!! Wanting to avoid any unpleasentries the vet say OK, leaves the room and presently returns with a cat, places the cat on the table with the bird and steps back. The cat proceeds to sniff and lightly paw the bird for a moment then turns to the vet and quietly meows, hops down, and leaves the room. Soon an assistant enters leading a labrador retriever who proceeds to jump on the table and sniffs and licks the bird for a moment then turns to the vet and barks whoof, whoof, whoof, jumps down and is led out by the assistant. The vet then leaves but returns after a few moments with a form declaring the bird offically dead and presents the elderly women with a bill for $1000.00. The women looks at the bill and gasps "you gonna charge me a thousand dollars just to tell me my bird is dead!!!" The vet calmly tells the women "Madam your the one who insisted on the cat scan and lab report"

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