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General Questions (new user)

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I just started using MBAM and just have a few quick questions. First let me just say that I have no noticable problems with my current system - but I've used MBAM to clean infections from some relative's pc's successfully recently where nothing else has worked and was pretty impressed with it, hence the switch to it on my home setup. I just ran a quick scan for the first time and the following problem was detected:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Start_ShowSearch (Hijack.StartMenu) -> Bad: (0) Good: (1) -> No action taken.

I just have a few questions about it - first reading up about this type of error it seems as if it will show up if search has been disabled in the start menu, however mine is enabled and functioning correctly. Could it be displaying it because I'm using Vista (home premium) and the classic start menu setup as opposed to Vista's default? I chose to ignore it for the time being until I'm sure of what it could mean. Secondly I'm not entirely sure what Bad (0) Good (1) means. I've left it running a full scan before I leave for work, just curious as to if this is an actual problem or just something to do with my configuration. I was a little surprised when it popped up as like I said, I've had no problems.

Thanks in advance. ;)

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Hi Graffin and welcome to Malwarbytes. Sorry no one answered your questions before now. There is nothing to worry about with that entry. It can be malware so if you go ahead and fix it and it comes back there is no worries. In your case the Good(1) means it is not malware. I have to agree that is confusing, but rest assured your ok. If you fix it you shouldn't see it again. Quick scans will be just as effective as a full scan.

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