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iPhone, can you hear me now

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This was too funny to pass up, posting it here instead. clicky the video, its funny and whats really funny is that I'm not Jon Stewart fan.

This is the first time I ever listen to him :):):lol:

Jon Stewart made Verizon's iPhone announcement a top story on his Comedy Central Daily Show last night, first describing the news as the reason for the "spring in my step," before launching a castigating portrayal of AT&T's service in New York City.

"For the past three or four years, those of us in the iPhone community have sacrificed one thing for the ability to carry around every photograph we

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This was too funny to pass up, posting it here instead. clicky the video, its funny and whats really funny is that I'm not Jon Stewart fan.

This is the first time I ever listen to him :):):lol:

The only bad part of Verizon getting the iPhone finally is Apple refuses to put a 4G chip in it to take advantage of Verizon's massive 4G network improvements. Apple's excuse," Current 4G, 1st generation chip, is not reliable enough.."

AT&T sucks (IMHO) and I still can't switch to Verizon to take advantage of their improved network.. i.e; STILL can't talk and video at the same time.. (iPhone on Verizon)


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Whooa simmer down my Quick Draw McGraw friend, its not about the phone providers. Its all about the skit. :):):)

Oh, I'm sorry.. I do like Jon Stewart, and the skit... :) but I even signed up with a Broadband Telephone provider after 50 years of AT&T (and Southern Bell).. I just roll at a slow boil when I see the name.. Kind of like a Bull and the red cape.. Sorry I went off-topic.. My apologies.


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