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Have my work, hope you use the concept of it

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I enjoy having your product and with the chance I can help you in return, I am willing to share the code and scripts I designed for a specific type of infection yet it ended up working for many of them.

Please let me know if you plan on using it as I did spend a few weeks getting all the information together in one place.

Have you ever had a PC that has cought a virus or spyware that won't allow you to delete it, or even close it?

Even after you manage to remove it your left with a PC that doesn't allow basic functions like changing wallpapers, seeing time/clock, startmenu items are missing (such as Run), your desktop has no icons, Thumbnails are no longer supported, toolbars and menus are missing items.

Pretty much anything can go wrong after your PC has had an infection. That why I made this simple yet effective tool.

How does it work?

Well it reinstalls all the System files and sets all the default policies and settings to your Windows OS's.

After it does this it clears all temp, cache, prefetch, bins, internet temp and history - making your PC back to almost a freshly installed PC (with regard to places spyware likes to hide).

What else can it do - Well I included a little tool I made that will close EVERY app not required for windows to run (can be services, dll, exe or scripts) everything gets shutdown to allow you to remove in use spyware/viruses. Better than that it also closes everything up to 9 times even 100ms - meaning those stupid virus/spyware that continually run itself over and over - will be exited FORCABLY.

Well why stop there? I included Autoruns - this is my favorite tool for disabling virus/spyware from a boot - allowing you to run your favorite spy cleaner!

Autoruns allows you to remove ANYTHING that runs on your PC, Context menu items, Startup items, BHO's, Extentions, Drivers, Services and many other things that are usually annoying to find and remove using regedit.

Tips for Autoruns -

* Remove any item you don't know what it is and that isn't Microsoft Company.

* Remove any item that has File Not Found next to it.

* DON'T Disable microsoft Components if you aren't 100% sure about it, you can stop your PC from even booting.


I have the Source Code for the Brute Remover tool, but the main thing I feel will benifit your application is the repair scripts in the Fix.cmd file.

I think the method I use to close all active apps is a bit extreme for a professional tool but it is very effective, so maybe detection of extreme cases then make it happen.

Anyway, I am a Visual Basic 6 Programmer so if you have any need for a fresh set of eyes/ideas I'm on MSN and I will subscribe to this thread.

Good luck for the future


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