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I'm working on a comp. that has been really hit hard. Found several p2p programs and lots of stuff even I recognized as NFG. In spite of my best efforts to date there are still many issues. I found MWB as part of a suggested set of programs to run prior to having a HJT log looked at. My problem now is that MWB will not/is not being allowed to install. Have re-named as suggested elsewhere with no luck. Hourglass shows for less than a second, disappears, and nothing follows. Task Mgr. says its running, but alas....no install.

Ad-Aware finds mutiple issues but removal does no good, everything comes back or was not removed at all. Bugs do not allow internet access to ANY site involved in malware removal or detection and won't allow existing programs like SpybotSD to update. Norton can't be updated. This site is not allowed. Its Crazy! Spyhunter finds several trojans but won't remove without payment. I'd pay if were my machine, but its not. Can anyone get me started on a road to recovery? Running XP Home, sp2. TIA

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  • Root Admin

Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: Pre- HJT Post Instructions

When ready please post your logs here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system.

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

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