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I have been attempting to insert MBAM into a custom Windows 7 PE Disc I have been making. However, I seem to run into problems when I run it. I assume because it needs some form of .dll file or something. Every time I attempt to run the program, it give me two errors:

vbAccelerator SGrid II Control
Run-time error '0'


Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
Run-time error '440':
Automation error

Now, if i try to run the mbamservice.exe which is what I thought was the issue the first time, it brings up a command box and then promptly disappears.

If anyone could help me out with this, it would be awesome.

I am using Make_PE for the disc, and all I need to do is drop necessary files into their respective place for the programs to work correctly.

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Hello GH0

I'm sorry but we do not offer any type of option to allow that. Our softwares' current design requires our drivers to be installed onto the target drive for proper detection and removal. We currently have no plans to produce one in the future.


Pretty sure you would have to get Legal permission from the Malwarebytes' Corp. to even try what you are doing.

Thank You

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  • Root Admin

Basically you're attempting to setup a WinPE usable version of the program. We do not support the program to run from that environment.

You can look at UBCD4W which includes it but it does not work properly on there either. We may look at supporting something similar later on but not at this time.

Thank you

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Well, even if you did not support the program to run in that environment, I don't see why it shouldn't be able to, as long as the correct driver is inserted, and all the registry keys are also in place. And all software that MBAM is dependent on is installed, and is capable of running.

Is there any non-official support you can give me for getting this to work?

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