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Multiple instances of CSRSS may be running on your pc at one time. Some of these may or may not be the legitimate versions

1) csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Click here to run a free registry scan now.

2) The Microsoft Client Server Runtime Server subsystem utilizes the process csrss.exe for managing the majority of the graphical instruction sets under the Microsoft Windows operating system. As such Csrss.exe provides the critical functions of the operating system, and its termination can result in the Blue Screen of Death being displayedCsrss.exe controls threading and Win32 console window features. Threading is where the application splits itself into multiple simultaneous running tasks. Threads supported by csrss.exe are different from processes in that threads are commonly contained within the process, with various threads sharing resources within the same process. The Win32 console is the plain text window in the Windows API system (programs can use the console without the need for image display).In mobile devices such as notebooks and laptops, the process csrss.exe is closely dependent on power management schemes implemented by the system as defined under the Control Panel option.This process should be treated as suspicious if there are two instances running. Always take note of the process location when trying to determine whether or not the process is genuine or malicious.This Windows component should be located in your Windows System directory ie: something similar to C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe

If you feel that your computer is infected you could always have the experts look at it for you, I can give you the instructions of where to go if you like.

FYI: I have this process running on my computer....

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as firefox stated (basically) , further analysis would be needed to determine if indeed any of the csrss occurrences are bogus .

the best bet is to have one of the experts take a look at what is going on if you feel that you may have an infection .

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